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Henan Huanghai Construction Machinery Co., Ltd.

Telephone: 86-18937010258


Phone: 86-18937011077

Email : henanyonggong@163.com

Website: en.hnygjx.com.cn

Production base: 2 xishan road, yongcheng economic and technological development zone, henan province

Code of safe operation for grasping steel machine worker

2019-11-12 18:00:48

1. The operators must pass the training and take up the post with the certificate. The apprentice must operate under the guidance of the master and shall not operate without authorization.

2, operators are strictly prohibited to work after drinking.

3. Keep away from the high-voltage wires in the workplace to avoid electric shock.

4, prohibit anyone to enter the operating radius of the machine, start the engine and machine forward or rotation, must sound the horn warning.

Grasp the steel mill

5. The machine should be operated on flat ground. It is strictly prohibited to operate on ramps or rough ground.

6, the machine is strictly prohibited to carry passengers, only allow the driver to operate on the machine, when grasping the steel machine, must use the handrail and foot frame, must not jump up and down.

7. Keep a certain distance from the rotating parts to prevent injuries caused by getting involved in the rotating parts.

8. When leaving the cab, the grab must be lowered to the ground and the power switch must be cut off to prevent the safety of others due to the wrong operation.

9. During the loading process, the grab should be kept in a stable state to avoid shaking.

10. When grasping and throwing slag, the surrounding environment shall be confirmed. If someone is working nearby, the operator shall signal to leave and then proceed.

11, regularly clean the machine, remove all accumulated grease, debris, and garbage on the machine, to avoid damage to the machine.

12. Do daily vehicle maintenance.

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